"In the wilderness of life always be fierce"

Thursday 3 January 2013

Confessions of a clothing hoarder...

Hello Blogoverse! Today as I was hurled up in my room on the last of my Christmas period days off I was left thinking about a blog post I made recently about my Beautaloutions although I have made some very positive steps in this direction ( yes this means we have a haul post coming up) I found myself floating on the thoughts of one where I promised myself that I would purchase new articles of clothing every two weeks to a month. It then struck me that to actually be able to commit to this I would have to start getting rid of some clothing that I already had! Unfortunately I am an out and out clothes hoarder, I am a firm believer that the knit wear jumper I bought in Topman two years ago in an end of season sale is still going to serve me well, and it is reasons like this that I never have new clothes because I think "ah sure the old ones are grand" As i said in the title of the mentioned post this year was a case of "New Year, Old Me" yet I think the old me should starting dressing in some new clothes. So i am here today to give some ideas on how to lose some wardrobe weight.

1: "The Man Up and Throw Out"
   This concept is the most straight forward but in my opinion is the hardest one to do, it simply requires you to just take one for the team get a few black bags and your old tracksuit on and dive head first into that wardrobe of yours and start firing clothes into the bag. The most important rule is to be cut throat if you have second thoughts it means its time to dump it.

2: "The Hung Up on Hangers"
   I got this little gem from a blog post about how to declutter your life and basically you take all your clothes and hang all the hangers in the one direction and every time you wear something you change the direction the hanger was facing so you can keep track of what you did and didn't wear and you do this for a given period of time and at the end of it all throw out what you didn't wear. It sounds like some modern day genius however I personally thought it would leave me wanting to wear all the clothes and thus the hoarding continues.

3: "Ask your mum"
   This should only be used in cases of extreme hoardom as it suggests it requires getting your mum to go into your room and giving her the free reign to throw out any clothes she either doesn't like on you or knows that you don't wear. It will most likely leave you with a single pair of jeans and a jumper but it will leave you with some space to fill.

To any of you out there who do consider doing this this january I would ask that you take the time and find a charity shop / organisation to donate all these clothes to as I am sure there are people out there who would benefit greatly from them.

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