"In the wilderness of life always be fierce"

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Liebster Blog Awards

I was tagged by the ever lovable Ruth who is my best friend

The Rules:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven (11) questions for the people you've tagged.
3. Choose eleven (11) people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember no tag backs!

11 Things about me:

1) I recently qualified as a beautician and have a level 5 in hairdressing
2) Altough I'm apart of the hair and beauty industry I think that vanity is over rated and that every one is beautiful in their own way no matter what they look like
3) I came out when I was 18 and life kind of fucked up into a downward spiral that im only starting to come out of now two years later
4) Whilst I was in that downward spiral no one really knew how bad it was as I didnt tell anyone
5) My main goal in life is to make a difference in the world it may not be saving the world but I think helping people feel good about how they look is a really important thing
6) I get really emotionally involved with men really quickly and often its the reason things dont work out as I can never relax around them
7) I dont have a favorite food as I dont like eating not because i have an eating disorder but beacuse I just get really annoyed by it
8) I cant stand it when I find out that someone openly dislikes me and I end up getting really upset about it when I find out
9) Im find it really difficult to compliment myself or congradulate myself on a good job and often I cant leave me feeling worse as Im a constant critic to myself
10) I was the only boy in my college course and it really got me down as the teachers spent a year calling me a girl which I found to be really offensive
11) I have never been able to spell propperly in my entire life I can never sound out words to spell them propperly

Ruths 11 Questions:

1. If you could punch one celebrity in the face, who would it be?
None of them im not to pushed lol
2. What is your favourite food?
I dont really have one
3. If you could change one law OR make a new law, what would it be?
That everybody could have full rights regardless of what they are
4. Do you believe in a God(s)?
 I believe in angels my one is called Anges
5. Do you have a diet or exercise routine?
My mum and I go walking three times a week
6.  What is the cheesiest song on your ipod/mp3 player?
Too much to mention which isnt a bad thing
7. Have you ever read a book or saw a film that changed the way that you look at life?
God bless america really made me think about life
8. What would your idea of a perfect date be?
Something sweet that is minimum effort but maximum enjoyment and nothing to sex driven
9. How old would you be, if you didn't know how old you are?
I wouldnt have an age
10.  If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would that message be?
No matter how much society tells you that you have to do this, you have to look like that and you have to love this person always remeber that you don't and a day will come when the only thing you have to worry about is how can you be the best person that you can be
11. What is the last book that you read?
Looking for alaska by John Green it also made me think alot

My Questions:

1) If you could be any public figure for a day who would it be?
2) What is the best way out of the Labarith of pain and suffering?
3) Take what you believe to be your best feature and worst flaw and combine them together to make a new word
4) Give a defintion to the word you just created that isn't related to either feature
5) Name one thing that you believe in 100% with out question
6) Give one reason as to why you believe in it
7) Have you ever been in the mood to cry?
8) If you could be one animal what animal would it be?
9) Name a band you feel describes you best?
10) Sum up your day in three words
11) What is your favorite movie

I tag anyone as I have only one follower lol

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